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  1. What You Will Find Inside
  2. Hey, Ladies
  3. Getting Started
  4. Did You Know?
  5. The Basics of Breast Augmentation
  6. Before and After Photos
  7. The Great Misnomer
  8. The Art of Sizing
  9. Tips for Finding Your ‘Just Right’ Size
  10. A Conversation about Cleavage
  11. How to Tell If You Need a Lift
  12. You’re Right, One Breast is Bigger Than the Other
  13. Can I Afford This?
  14. Fact or Fiction (pages 1 & 2)
  15. The Basics of Breast Implant Brands
  16. Saline Implants
  17. Silicone Implants
  18. Pros and Cons of Silicone
  19. Smooth, Textured, Round, Anatomic
  20. The Perfect Placement – Submuscular
  21. The Perfect Placement II – Subglandular
  22. Dr. Vitenas Explains Implant Profiles
  23. Strattice is Up For a Challenge
  24. Warranty
  25. Ten Questions to Ask Your Surgeon
  26. Questions Every Girl Needs to Ask Herself
  27. The 10 Year Myth<
  28. Your Road to Recovery
  29. Your Journey is Almost Complete
  30. Time to Go Bra Shopping
  31. Vitamins and Supplements
  32. Traveling to Houston
  33. Still Doing Your Homework?
  34. That’s It From Us
