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Am I choosing my breast enhancement for me?

I know that others support my breast augmentation; I also know that no one is pressuring me into my surgery.

Am I realistic about the prospective results from my breast augmentation?

I understand that surgery can improve my appearance, but I know that it cannot change or repair problems in my life

Do I fully understand and accept the potential risks associated with breast augmentation?

I know that there are no guarantees for the results from my procedure. I have been, or soon will be, given informed consent forms, and pre/post-operative instructions; I understand these and have no more questions.

Am I am in good shape physically and emotionally?

I have no underlying health disorders or mental health conditions that I have not disclosed to my surgeon.

Can I afford my breast augmentation?

I can afford the costs of my surgery, including all non-monetary costs such as missed work and the time needed to recover.

Why is now the right time for my surgery, rather than a year from now, or even a year ago?

The timing of my surgery fits my current schedule and budget. No incentives or external pressure to commit is leading to breast augmentation before I am ready.

Am I completely comfortable with my surgeon and his staff?

My surgeon has spent time with me, answered all of my questions, and collaborated on a surgical plan that is designed to meet my personal breast augmentation goals. The staff makes me feel comfortable, and I give them my complete trust.
