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Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery) in Houston

For men who feel self-aware about their chest’s appearance, Dr. Vitenas offers a tailored sculpting procedure designed to enhance chest contours. This gives patients the chance to embrace a more defined and masculine look.

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Discover why patients from across the U.S. and around the world choose Dr. Vitenas as the premier surgeon for naturally-appearing breasts.

“I came in for a unilateral Gynecomastia issue. The staff at Dr. Vitenas’ office were very kind and took the time to give me all the information and time I needed to mentally prepare for the surger. Mainly I did not feel rushed into the operation. Dr. Vitenas did an amazing job. I felt zero pain after the surgery, we cracked jokes before my operation. If you have gyno and want to get that confidence back. Do NOT hesitate, Dr. Vitenas and his staff are the best around. You won’t be disappointed.”

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    What Is Gynecomastia?

    Gynecomastia is a common condition characterized by swollen or enlarged male breasts due to excess fat and breast tissue. This excess breast tissue can result in feminine-appearing breasts that make men feel self-conscious about their chests.

    Gynecomastia affects an estimated 40-60% of men, which makes it actually quite common. While gynecomastia sometimes occurs in infants due to maternal hormones, it more commonly develops during puberty when hormone levels fluctuate. However, men of any age can develop gynecomastia, and the incidence increases with age.

    Causes of Breast Enlargement in Men

    • Hormonal Imbalance – A hormonal imbalance between testosterone and estrogen can cause breast tissue growth. Testosterone naturally decreases as men age. Certain health conditions like hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, or tumors may also cause low testosterone and higher estrogen levels.
    • Obesity and Weight Gain – Being overweight or obese can increase breast size in men due to excess fatty tissue. Losing weight may help mild cases, but significant glandular breast tissue will still likely require surgery.
    • Medications – Certain prescription drugs can cause gynecomastia as a side effect by impacting hormone levels. These include anabolic steroids, HIV medications, antibiotics, heart medications, ulcer medications, and more. Discuss any medications with your doctor.
    • Illegal Drugs and Alcohol – Excessive alcohol consumption and the use of amphetamines, heroin, and marijuana have been linked to gynecomastia. Anabolic steroid abuse is another common cause. All impact hormones.
    • Health Conditions – Chronic conditions like liver failure, kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, tumors, and hypogonadism can influence hormone levels and fibrous breast tissue growth. Treatment of the underlying condition may help resolve gynecomastia.
    • Aging – As men age, testosterone levels naturally decrease while body fat increases. This hormonal change often leads to gynecomastia development in older males. Lowered testosterone is linked to excess breast tissue.
    • Pubertal Gynecomastia – Hormone fluctuations during puberty commonly cause temporary breast swelling and tenderness in boys. While it often resolves after puberty, severe cases may warrant treatment.
    • Idiopathic Gynecomastia – For up to 75 percent of patients, the specific cause of their gynecomastia remains unknown despite diagnosis. This is termed idiopathic gynecomastia.

    Gynecomastia Surgery Benefits

    For men troubled by enlarged breasts, gynecomastia surgery can help give them a more masculine appearance. During this surgical procedure, excess fatty tissue and glandular breast tissue are removed to flatten and sculpt the chest. Potential benefits include:
    Improved Physical Appearance
    Enhanced Comfort
    The pressure and heaviness of enlarged breast tissue can cause both physical and emotional discomfort for men with gynecomastia. Following male breast reduction surgery, patients often experience enhanced comfort and freedom of movement as this burden is lifted. Simple activities like hugging, exercising, or lounging poolside become more enjoyable.
    Expanded Wardrobe Choices
    Excess breast tissue may cause men to feel self-conscious about wearing fitted shirts or swimwear. Gynecomastia surgeries eliminate the excess tissue, and patients often feel comfortable wearing a broader range of clothing that reveals their leaner, firmer chest contour.

    Excess breast tissue may cause men to feel self-conscious about wearing fitted shirts or swimwear. Gynecomastia surgeries eliminate the excess tissue, and patients often feel comfortable wearing a broader range of clothing that reveals their leaner, firmer chest contour.

    Overall, gynecomastia surgery can renew your confidence to comfortably dress, move and live life without embarrassment or discomfort caused by excess breast tissue. By removing the excess tissue, male breast reduction helps patients achieve the masculine chest they desire.

    What to Expect During Your Consultation

    The initial consultation provides an opportunity to discuss your goals and determine if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction. Dr. Vitenas will:
    • Review your health history and medications
    • Examine your chest and assess the extent of gynecomastia
    • Discuss procedural details and recommend a customized treatment plan
    • Explain the recovery process and follow-up care
    You will also have the opportunity to see before and after photos from other similar situations so you can have a realistic understanding of the changes that will occur. At the end of the consultation, Dr. Vitenas will address any questions you have about the procedure, its potential risks, and costs.

    The Male Breast Reduction Procedure

    Gynecomastia surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure at Dr. Vitenas’ state-of-the-art Houston Surgery Center. The surgery takes 1-2 hours to complete.

    Gynecomastia typically involves liposuction and excision to eliminate glandular tissue or skin. The combination of these techniques varies based on individual needs. After surgery, dressings and a support garment are applied, with specific post-operative instructions provided for recovery. The procedure results in a more contoured chest profile.

    Gynecomastia Surgical Technique

    The two primary surgical techniques used in treating gynecomastia are liposuction and excision. Liposuction is often employed to remove excess fatty tissue, utilizing a thin tube inserted through small incisions to suction fat from the chest area. This method is particularly effective for cases where fat predominates over glandular tissue.

    Excision techniques are used when glandular breast tissue or excess skin must be removed to achieve a more masculine chest contour. This might involve incisions around the nipple or under the arm, depending on the extent of tissue removal required. In cases where significant skin laxity is present, additional incisions may be necessary to tighten the skin and provide the desired chest flatness and firmness.

    Treatment for gynecomastia varies, depending on factors like tissue type and skin elasticity. Mild cases may need only simple procedures for less scarring and faster recovery. More severe cases often require a mix of fat removal and tissue excision, sometimes including skin removal or nipple adjustment, for a better chest shape.

    “All the staff and nurses are friendly, helpful, and professional. Dr. Vetinas is experienced and knows what he’s doing. I was very satisfied with the results of my gynecomastia procedure.”

    Recovery After Gynecomastia Surgery

    The recovery period for gynecomastia surgery ranges from 1-2 weeks. A compression garment should be worn for several weeks to help control swelling as the treatment area heals. Most patients can return to school or light work within a week.

    Temporary side effects may include:

    • Swelling and bruising
    • Mild discomfort
    • Temporary numbness

    For a smooth recovery, patients should avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol consumption for at least 4 weeks after surgery as the chest continues to stabilize. Most swelling resolves within 6 months, and patients can see their final results at that time.

    Candidates for Male Breast Reduction

    The ideal candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men who are bothered by enlarged male breasts. Good overall health is important to ensure proper healing. Teenagers may benefit from surgery for severe pubertal gynecomastia. However, it is essential to consider the patient’s emotional maturity and readiness for such a procedure and that it is unlikely to resolve on its own.

    Ideally, the issues contributing to the enlarged breasts will be identified, such as medication use or health conditions. While this isn’t always possible, doing so ensures that the problem will not reoccur after Dr. Vitenas surgically corrects it.

    Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

    The exact price of gynecomastia surgery at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery varies depending on what each patient needs. On average, the price starts at about $7,000 for surgery on one breast (unilateral) and about $9,500 for surgery on both breasts (bilateral).

    The given price will cover all of these fees involved:

    • Surgeon’s fee
    • Surgical facility fees
    • Anesthesia fees
    • Compression garment
    We offer financing options to help patients budget the cost of gynecomastia surgery over time. Cosmetic procedures are not typically covered by health insurance.
    Dr. Vitenas’ Surgical Approach

    Dr. Paul Vitenas, Your Houston Surgeon

    Choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon is important for safe gynecomastia surgery and optimal aesthetic results.

    Key factors to consider when choosing a surgeon include:

    • Extensive experience performing male breast reduction
    • Aesthetic sensibility for properly contouring the chest
    • A Bedside manner that puts patients at ease
    • Uses an accredited surgical facility

    Dr. Paul Vitenas is a highly acclaimed and board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his exceptional skills in cosmetic procedures. With a career spanning over three decades, Dr. Vitenas has performed numerous gynecomastia procedures, solidifying his position as one of the early pioneers in this field. His reputation as the go-to surgeon for gynecomastia surgery in Texas is built on a long history of delivering excellent results to his patients.

    Gynecomastia FAQ

    The cost of Gynecomastia surgery varies depending on specific patient requirements. Generally, the procedure costs start at about $7,000 for treatment on one side (unilateral) and begin at $9,500 for treatment on both sides (bilateral). This price encompasses fees for the surgical facility, the anesthesiologist, the surgeon, and all post-operative visits. To determine the precise cost of your male breast reduction surgery, you can upload a photo through our contact form or book a consultation appointment.

    Recovery takes 1-2 weeks for most patients. Swelling and bruising are common initially but are usually mild. A compression garment helps control swelling. Discomfort can be managed with medication, but Tylenol is often all that is needed. Most patients can return to work or school in about a week. Activities like heavy lifting and exercise should be avoided for 4-6 weeks as the chest continues to stabilize.

    In some adolescent boys or men with mild glandular breast enlargement, gynecomastia will resolve spontaneously over time. However, most significant cases of gynecomastia require surgery for the removal of excess glandular tissue and fat to properly contour the chest.

    The results you can expect are a flatter, firmer, and more contoured chest that appears more masculine, youthful, and proportionate to your body frame. Clothing will fit better, and you'll likely feel more comfortable going shirtless. While scarring is permanent, incisions are carefully placed to be minimally visible.

    You will be under general anesthesia during the procedure, so you will not feel any pain. Mild discomfort, tightness, and swelling are common during the first week of recovery. Dr. Vitenas will prescribe medication to keep you as comfortable as possible.

    For men genuinely distressed by enlarged breast tissue, surgery can be extremely worthwhile and transformative. It provides aesthetic improvement along with restored comfort and self-confidence. Thoroughly researching board-certified surgeons and choosing a surgeon with a long history of providing excellent surgery helps ensure you get natural-looking results.

    Payment options include cash, credit card, or financed payment plans through medical lenders like CareCredit or Alphaeon Credit. Cosmetic surgery is not typically covered by insurance, but we provide helpful financing options for our patients so they can receive the treatment they desire.