
Dr. Vitenas’ Body Lift Recovery Guide

Dr. Vitenas’ Body Lift Recovery Guide


A body lift targets several different areas of the body to address loose skin and poor contours.

A body lift is a plastic surgery procedure that targets several different areas of the body, including muscles around the waist, to address loose skin and poor contours often resulting from significant weight loss, excess fat, or pregnancy. This procedure, encompassing treatments like liposuction and tummy tuck, can help improve your overall appearance and boost your self-confidence. By removing excess tissue and tightening the skin, a body lift Houston also reduces issues like blood clots, bleeding, and fluid accumulation.

Because it is such a major surgery, nearly all my body lift patients have lots of questions about the recovery period. The recovery process for a body lift varies a bit depending on several different factors: the area targeted, complications that may arise, and the patient’s overall health, so it’s important to understand what is and isn’t normal before the day of your surgery. That’s why it is recommended to have a family member or friend who can support you in understanding the recovery timeline and help you with postoperative care.

I want you to have the smoothest and safest recovery possible. And for that, after your body lift procedure, I will provide you with care instructions that are tailored to your needs, including how to manage pressure on the incision sites while in bed. Our office will also be on hand to answer any questions regarding potential risks, swelling, and bruising.

But, to give you an idea of the general recovery process, I’ll talk about specific tips that will help speed up your healing time. I will also give you an idea of what you can expect so you can get back to your daily activities, work, and house chores as soon as possible.

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How Long Will It Take to Recover From A Body Lift?

To achieve a more youthful appearance, a body lift targets loose skin in different areas of the body. The surgery combines various body contouring techniques into one.

In short, this is an invasive procedure. In comparison to other cosmetic treatments, the recovery time will be much longer. This is because body lifts encompass many different areas of the body, which makes this a much more extensive surgery. Scars are inevitable, but skilled surgeons can help minimize their appearance.

What this means is that you can expect the recovery process to take, at the very least, six weeks. In some cases, recovery might take even longer. During this time, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and engage in gentle activities, such as short walks, to aid in your recovery.

How Can Dr. Vitenas Help With The Recovery Process?

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I understand the process of body lift surgery Houston and know how to help you recover swiftly and safely. After you have this procedure, I will personally help you navigate your recovery.

In the weeks following the procedure, we will schedule follow-up appointments and consultations to make sure that your recovery is going well. That way, you know you are healing properly, and you will feel the least amount of discomfort during your recovery.

What Can You Expect After Surgery? 

The recovery process for your body lift will begin as soon as the surgery is complete. I will employ several different techniques to keep the incision site safe and sterile for healing. Bandages and dressings will be placed to protect the incisions. Additionally, draining tubes will be placed directly under the skin. This will help prevent infection and promote optimal recovery.

Furthermore, I will give you some specific instructions that will be personalized. In general, though, I’ll tell you how to care for your incisions and give you tips for staying comfortable.

I’ll also provide you with a list of medications that you might need to take. Antibiotics might need to be prescribed in addition to painkillers.

Finally, surgical sites are prone to infection, so I’ll provide you with essential information on what signs to look out for, such as redness, itching, or numbness. You’ll also learn how to take care of the drains placed in your skin, as well as manage sutures after a lower body lift Houston procedure, which typically targets the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. This surgery may involve skin grafts and can be performed alongside weight-loss procedures with your doctor’s approval.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be given medication after my body lift?

After surgery, you might be prescribed several different types of medication. Pain meds are most common, as the site of surgery can become inflamed and sensitive. Some people use Tylenol, but others might need something stronger at a more effective level. It’s important to discuss medication options and expectations with your surgeon to manage your symptoms.

You might also need medication for nausea. Pain meds and anesthesia do cause some stomach discomfort, so this might be necessary. Laxatives after surgery might also be beneficial since some patients do experience constipation.

How do I care for my bandages?

Compression garments and bandages will need to be worn after surgery. This is to ensure that your stitches stay sterile and uncontaminated. Compression garments will need to be washed, but otherwise, they should stay on at all times. Be mindful of the position in which you wear the garment to avoid uneven pressure.

Your bandages will stay on until you see me during your follow-up consultation. Afterward, we will remove your bandages for you. 

How should I shower or bathe after surgery?

You’re probably going to want to stay clean after surgery. But how can you shower or bathe after a body lift? First off, tub baths are not recommended after a body lift.

Instead, shower to stay clean. You can remove your compression garment during this time, but keep your bandages on. We will put on waterproof bandages to keep the incision site safe and give you tips on showering safely.

When can I get my stitches removed?

Stitches will be removed anywhere from fourteen days to twenty-eight days after surgery. This will depend on how well you are healing. Keep in mind that a few different body contouring techniques combined into a single surgery, performed by a skilled surgeon, must ensure the best possible results with minimal scarring.

How long should I wait to exercise?

It will be harder to move around and do things for yourself during the first few weeks of recovery. So, I don’t recommend exercising, driving, or engaging in other strenuous activities directly after surgery. Instead, focus on getting proper rest and using pillows to support your body during this time. 

You don’t want to stay completely immobile, of course. But limit your movements and exercise routine as much as you can during this time. You can do little movements, such as elevating your legs carefully. 

I would wait until the third week of recovery to start doing light exercises. Then, wait a few more weeks before you start ramping up your exercise routine to a higher intensity.

When will my follow-up appointment be scheduled?

You can talk about your follow-up visits with me before your surgery. Times and dates will vary depending on availability. But in most cases, you should have a post-op follow-up after one to two weeks of recovery.

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Contact Dr. Vitenas Today

If you are interested in having a body lift, visit our website page here. Our site will give you a complete rundown of this procedure and tell you the specifics of this surgery. And, if you want to have a body lift consultation at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery in Houston, you can contact me at 281-484-0088. You can also fill out a patient form at this link.