
Get BOOtiful This Halloween with Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery

Get BOOtiful This Halloween with a Complimentary Consultation at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery
Fall is a great time to take stock of your appearance and revisit your self-care routine.

Fall is a great time to take stock of your appearance and revisit your self-care routine. After a long summer, sun damage, dark spots, and wrinkles may suddenly be visible. With every pound gained or lost, new bulges can appear here and drooping skin appear there. Not sure how to get started on a personal refresh? It’s time to schedule a consultation at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery.

At your initial visit, Dr. Paul Vitenas will sit down with you, getting to know your concerns and discussing the areas you want to see improved. He will explain your options in detail, educating you on each treatment path. Armed with all of this information, you can decide the best method and timeline for moving forward.

What to expect from your consultation appointment a Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery:

  1. Coming in our doors, you will meet and greet the Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery patient coordinator and staff.
  2. Arrive a few minutes early as initial paperwork will need to be filled out, if you have not already done so.
  3. We’ll have you move back to a private treatment room. Be sure to wear practical clothing that makes disrobing easy, especially if you are planning on discussing changes to an area other than your face.
  4. Meet Dr. Vitenas and discuss your aesthetic goals. At this point, Dr. Vitenas will review your medical history, surgical background, and current medications.
  5. Vitenas will perform a fast, yet thorough exam of the target area.
  6. We will explain your options, educating you on each potential procedure and all of the alternatives that can achieve your desired goals.
  7. Vitenas will then create a treatment plan focused on your unique desired results. This will include a review of your pre-op and post-op instructions.
  8. If you would like to take a look around our practice, Dr. Vitenas’ operating facility (the Houston Surgery Center) and the state-of-the-art recovery bays. We’ll be happy to show you around.
  9. You’ll meet with your patient coordinator to discuss financial arrangements. With the total cost of your upcoming procedure now determined, we can explain the many methods of payment we accept, even your option to finance your procedure through Care Credit or ALPHAEON CREDIT.
  10. Finally, our staff will help you schedule your procedure and follow-up appointments at a time and date that best meets your busy schedule. 

During your consultation, make mental notes. What was your initial impression of the facility? How were you treated by the practice staff? Did Dr. Vitenas make you feel at ease? Were all of your questions answered? If you have any remaining concerns, reach back out to Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery and let us know!

Don’t be haunted by the early signs of aging. Make Halloween your time to get Bootiful before the winter holidays. Float into Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery to get a personalized treatment plan created around your needs.  Call Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery at 281-484-0088 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Vitenas.