
New Procedures to Seek Out For 2020

Want to explore a fresh new look in 2020? Check out these new and lesser-known procedures that could help you feel more confident. Dr. Paul Vitenas | Houston, TX.

It’s a brand new year, and all the talk of New Year’s resolutions may have gotten you thinking about what a brand new you could look like. If you’ve ever been interested in cosmetic treatments or plastic surgery, there’s never been a better time to consider your options. More and more procedures are being developed that are less invasive and more effective than ever before.

Not all new procedures are going to be perfect for you, of course, but there may be some well-kept-secret options that could be just right for your needs. Want to explore a fresh new look in 2020? Check out these new and lesser-known procedures that could help you feel more confident.


CoolSculpting has been on the market for several years now, but it’s earned a well-deserved reputation for being non-invasive, effective, and safe. During the treatment, cooling panels are used to freeze unwanted fat in targeted areas, destroying the cells so they can be gradually flushed out of the body as natural waste.

The procedure isn’t for weight loss, but it can be a great way to lose a few inches or get rid of stubborn areas of fat that just won’t respond to diet and exercise, no matter how many burpees you do. The treatment is quick and comfortable, requiring no downtime. Plus, almost any area of the body can be treated!

Ulthera Skin Tightening

If you thought you’d need surgery to get smoother, tighter, more youthful-looking skin, think again. Ulthera, or Ultherapy, is a non-surgical treatment that uses ultrasound energy to jumpstart the body’s natural rejuvenation processes, namely collagen production. During the treatment, waves of ultrasonic energy are directed into the deep tissues of the face and neck, stimulating the body to lift and tighten the skin.

Although Ultherapy can’t produce the same dramatic results as a facelift, it can be a great option for younger patients with fewer wrinkles and less sagging skin. The results of the treatment for the right patients can be extremely impressive and there is no downtime involved.

Botox for Hyperhidrosis

You probably know all about Botox for relaxing unwanted dynamic wrinkles. But you may not know about all the other uses for this amazing drug. One treatment application that isn’t as well known is Botox for hyperhidrosis, a term for excessive sweating.

Many people are extremely embarrassed by how much they perspire, particularly in the underarm area or on the palms of the hands. Botox injections work to reduce wetness by preventing the nerve signals that influence the sweat glands.

The results last for six months to a year, and the procedure is quick and requires no downtime. Patients feel less self-conscious and more confident in social situations after getting Botox for hyperhidrosis.

Fat Transfer

While wrinkles and sagging skin might be the first symptoms of aging that come to mind, volume loss also occurs as we get older and it can have an enormous impact on our appearance. Sunken hollows in the face can cause a person to look worn out, tired, and gaunt. Fat transfer can help by providing semi-permanent volume restoration using the patient’s own fat.

Fat transfer is a surgical procedure that involves taking fat from the patient’s stomach, thighs, or another area, purifying it, and injecting it back into the face. Once injected, some of the fat will establish itself in the new location and provide permanent rejuvenation. It’s a great option for people who don’t want to repeat dermal filler treatments every six months.

Vaginoplasty or Labia Reduction

Aging, childbirth, genetics, and other factors can lead to a loose vagina or a large, stretched-out labia. Not only do these issues cause problems with self-confidence during intimacy, but they can also affect a woman’s everyday activities and comfort due to chafing, incontinence, or the inability to wear certain types of tighter clothing.

Vaginal and labial rejuvenation can be customized to address each patient’s concerns and goals. Different surgical procedures, including vaginoplasty and labia reduction, can be used to strengthen and tighten the pelvic muscles, re-contour the mons pubis, and trim excess skin that may be getting in the way. Patients typically feel much more confident and comfortable after their customized procedures.

Calf Implants

If you have trouble building up muscles in certain areas of your body, you’re not alone. Men and women who have overly skinny calves often feel self-conscious about how they look. Calf implants, which are made out of synthetic, biocompatible materials (typically silicone), can be surgically placed to permanently enhance the appearance of the lower legs.

Calf augmentation is a straightforward procedure that creates a very natural-looking result. Each procedure is customized to suit the patient’s build, ideal aesthetic, and goals.

Breast Reduction for Women and Men

While breast augmentation and breast lift procedures are the most popular breast enhancement options for women, breast reduction is growing in popularity for its ability to promote comfort, convenience, and confidence for women with overly large breasts. Back and neck pain, difficulty exercising, trouble finding flattering clothing, and unwanted attention are all reasons women may seek this surgical procedure. After the surgery, women can enjoy lighter, firmer, perkier breasts that are more proportional to their frame.

Men also often undergo breast reduction, which is known as gynecomastia surgery. This procedure is done for cosmetic reasons and removes excess breast tissue to help men achieve a more masculine-looking chest contour.

Talk to a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

If you’re thinking about making changes to your face or physique in the coming year, then it may be time to talk with an expert about your options. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Vitenas offers a wide range of customized procedures at his state-of-the-art practice in Houston, Texas. Call 281-484-0088 today to schedule your consultation!