The Best Breast Blogs of 2019 (And Why They Matter)

If you are already reading Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery's Breast Augmentation blogs, you know 2019 has had many wonderful posts.

One of the benefits of living in a digital world is the ease in which we share information. This is especially handy if you are considering a cosmetic procedure like breast augmentation. It is much easier to brush up on facts, before and after photographs, and safety information from home before you actually schedule an in-patient appointment. Of course, this also means taking some time to weed through outdated information and marketing jargon. To avoid the information overload this can cause, a better plan is to take advantage of the blogs of a reputable cosmetic surgery practice, like Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery.

Blogs are a valuable source of information with a few perks over long, traditional websites. These small, to-the-point posts are generally short enough to read through during your lunch break or before bed. Plus, blogs are written in a fun, comfortable voice that is easy to understand. Flip through our old blogs to see more posts and subscribe to have the newest ones come directly in your email. If you find anything you feel is particularly important, our blogs are also easy to share with your family and friends.

If you are already reading Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery’s Breast Augmentation blogs, you know 2019 has had many wonderful posts. There are enough that we wanted to share the top 10 blogs of the year. Reread them if it has been a while, or use these as a starting point if you haven’t had a chance.

The 10 Best BA Blogs for 2019:

  1. Your Complete Guide to Breast Augmentation: Learn a little about a lot in Dr. Vitenas’ quick guide to everything-breast-augmentation.  Topics include how to choose the right implant, the right surgeon, and how long implants really last before they should be replaced.
  2. 5 Ways to Know You’re a Candidate for Breast Surgery: If you are thinking about getting breast implants, you will want to know if the procedure is right for you. Read up on the five sure-fire ways to know if you will make a good candidate for breast surgery.
  3. How to Prepare for Your Breast Augmentation Consultation: We round up all the things you need to know to make your breast augmentation consultation a success. Find out what will really happen during your first appointment, as well as 15 questions to ask during the consultation.
  4. 5 Things You Might Not Have Considered About Implants: Getting the perfect body with breast implants is more complicated than just signing up. Freshen up on the things you’ll have to think about besides your breast size, such as incisions, shape, and placement.
  5. How to Choose the Right Implants: To choose between silicone and saline implants, you must first understand the facts. Find out how to choose the best implant and pick the right placement depending on your body type, shape, and desired appearance. 
  6. What’s Up with Silicone Breast Implants?  Silicone implants are easily the most common choice for women, but why? Find out with a quick history on the silicone implant and learn why they are so popular today. Thinking silicone is right for you? Checkout our list of the pros/cons.
  7. Weird Myths About Breast Implants:  When you tell people you are thinking about breast implants, everybody from your grandmother to your co-worker will have a strange story to tell. Set the record straight; Dr. Vitenas has the truth behind the most common implants myths.
  8. What to Know About Breast Surgery Scars: Nothing could be scarier than the thought of scarring after breast augmentation. What if most of your fears are unnecessary? Learn all that you need to know about these scars, including what you can do to minimize their appearance.
  9. How to Make the Most of Your Breast Augmentation:  Dr. Vitenas always creates a personalized breast augmentation treatment plan because no two women are the same. Remember, bigger is not better for everyone! Checkout what matters most to achieve long-term satisfaction. 
  10. What You Need to Know About Breast Implant Safety: It is common to worry about the safety of breast implants. To ease your mind, Dr. Vitenas opens up about different implants, what kind of issues can arise, and what to do if a problem should occur after breast augmentation.

Dr. Vitenas feels that patient education is key to patient satisfaction with any breast augmentation procedure, be it implants, breast lift, or breast reduction. While he will provide much of the information during your consultation appointment, doing your homework is still vastly important. Whether you are wondering how to choose the right implants or how to know if you are a good candidate for surgery, Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery’s blogs are the perfect way to gather helpful details on your own. By reading Dr. Vitenas’ blogs, you will be better equipped to ask meaningful questions during your appointments and help you to stay on top of current research even well after surgery.

For more information on breast augmentation, feel free to call Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery at 281-484-0088 or simply fill out our online Contact Us form and a patient coordinator will reach out to you.
