What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation in the Summer

What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation in the Summer
During breast augmentation, your surgeon will usually make incisions in the crease beneath each breast.

Before you schedule any kind of plastic surgery, you need to think about how you’ll fit it into your schedule and your lifestyle. One of the questions anyone considering breast augmentation needs to ask themselves is: When is the best time to schedule the surgery? For some, the obvious answer is ‘summer!’ Why? It may be easier to take time off and you’ll probably have fewer responsibilities on your plate. 

If you’re thinking about a summertime breast augmentation, there are few things you should know about scheduling plastic surgery during the warmer months of the year, as well as some summer-specific factors you’ll want to pay attention to while you recover from the surgery. Here’s what you should know about the benefits of breast augmentation during the summer and what you can expect from recovery.

The Benefits of Breast Augmentation in the Summer

Depending on your schedule obligations, summer can be the ideal time for plastic surgery because it’s usually a more relaxed and easygoing season. If you’re a student or you work at a school, you most likely have a few months off. That means you can schedule your surgery and allow enough time for recovery without having to miss work or class.

Even if you don’t get a summer vacation, you might notice that your workplace becomes more relaxed once summer rolls around. Your boss might let you go home early more often than not or might encourage you to use your vacation days in the summer.

If you have children, there’s an added benefit to scheduling your breast augmentation during the summer. Since school’s out, you won’t have to worry about picking your kids up from class or daycare,  nor will you have to worry about bringing them to and from their extracurricular activities when what you should be doing is resting and recovering.

Ideally, you could try to schedule your surgery and the first week or two of recovery for a time when your kids will be out of the house, such as during their summer sleepaway camp or when they go visit their grandparents or other relatives for a week or two.

When Can You Go to the Beach or Pool After Breast Augmentation?

Some women plan their breast augmentation with an upcoming beach trip or pool party in mind. If you do hope to hop in the pool or spend a few days lounging on the beach after your surgery, it’s essential that you get the timing right.

Usually, your surgeon will recommend you wait at least one month after breast augmentation before swimming, either in a pool or the ocean. You might want to allow extra time between your beach vacay or cruise and your surgery just to be on the safe side.

Another swimming-related concern has to do with your swimsuit. The odds are likely that you’re going to need a new bikini top or a new one-piece swimsuit after your breast augmentation. While it can be fun and exciting to head out and try on new bikinis ASAP after your surgery, you might want to hold off a bit.

Breast Augmentation before and after photos in Houston, TX, Patient 24666 Explicit content – Discretion advised.
Breast Augmentation before and after photos in Houston, TX, Patient 24666 Explicit content – Discretion advised.

Your breast implants need time to settle into place after your surgery. It might be a good idea to wait for a few weeks or even a month before you try on bikini tops. Your breasts are likely to be swollen immediately after surgery, which can make it challenging to find a swimsuit top that will fit properly.

What Summer-Specific Precautions Should You Take?

During breast augmentation, your surgeon will usually make incisions in the crease beneath each breast. In some cases, the incisions will be in your armpits or around the nipples. As the incisions heal, they are likely to leave a scar.

Because of the incision placement, many women aren’t bothered by the appearance of their scars. They are easy to conceal under most styles of tops.

It’s a different story when you’re in a swimsuit, however. When you’re lounging on the beach or poolside in a bikini, there is a chance that your scars will be visible. When the incisions are still healing, there’s also a concern that sun exposure can make them darker.

If your incisions or scars show when you wear a swimsuit, be extra diligent about applying sunscreen. Put it on before you go outside, then reapply every hour or every hour and a half. You might even consider picking out a new style of swimsuit so that your scars are completely covered and protected from the sun while they heal.

Breast Augmentation before and after photos in Houston, TX, Patient 24710 Explicit content – Discretion advised.
Breast Augmentation before and after photos in Houston, TX, Patient 24710 Explicit content – Discretion advised.

Thinking about scheduling breast augmentation or another breast surgery this summer? Dr. Paul Vitenas is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgeries at his practice in Houston, Texas. To learn more about what to expect after a summertime breast augmentation, call 281-484-0088 to schedule a consultation today!
